These little crazies are why I do what I do! On the far left is Slober. He is 7 years old and as wild as he can be. You won't see him at the boutique much because he's got a crazy switch that's always on! In the middle is Marshmallow. She is 4 years old and was born deaf. She runs the house and the boys know it! On the far right is Flash and he is 4 years old. Someone I know posted about him being at a wiener dog rescue out in California and I knew I had to have him as soon as I saw him! He fit right in. Him and Marshmallow are best buddies!
This here is Rudy. He's 2 years old and came all the way from Seattle where his hooman couldn't care for him anymore. He's full of energy and loves getting attention from people in the boutique.
This crazy 3 lb ball of fur is the newest furfamily member. Her name is Violet and she'll be 1 in June. She came from someone who traveled too much and felt bad always leaving her. Now she barely gets left alone!
This was my baby Sophie. She was almost 15 years old when this picture was taken. Sadly in August 2021 we lost her.
Last but not least is Chanel. She is 4 years old. Even though she is my parents dog, I watch her a lot and I love her to pieces so I say she's mine! You might catch her at the boutique when you stop by sometimes.
My name is Elizabeth and I am 32 years old. I have a degree in civil engineering and worked as a bridge designer for three years. I wasn't happy with working in a cube for eight hours a day at a computer and having little interaction with people. I love animals so much and I wanted a place where people could go and not only have a fun experience but find good quality products, healthy treats, and healthy food for their pets so the boutique idea was born.
It was very difficult coming up with a name and I spent a lot of time thinking about it. I chose 'Precious' because to me all animals are precious. I chose 'Paws' because I wanted to be inclusive and cater to not just dogs but cats as well. I chose 'Boutique' because I felt it best described the feel I was going for and the quality of the products.
We love all of our local customers from Myrtle Beach and nearby areas including North Myrtle Beach, Pine Island, Carolina Forest, Arcadian Shores, Surfside Beach, Murrells Inlet, Pawleys Island, and more!